
runner.js - Stryker report

File / Directory
Mutation score
# Killed
# Survived
# Timeout
# No coverage
# Runtime errors
# Transpile errors
Total detected
Total undetected
Total mutants
83.40 %
83.40 201 40 0 0 0 0 201 40 241
Expand all
 * @license Copyright 2016 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
'use strict';

const isDeepEqual = require(0'lodash.isequal');
const Driver = require(1'./gather/driver.js');
const GatherRunner = require(2'./gather/gather-runner');
const ReportScoring = require(3'./scoring');
const Audit = require(4'./audits/audit');
const log = require(5'lighthouse-logger');
const i18n = require(6'./lib/i18n/i18n.js');
const assetSaver = require(7'./lib/asset-saver');
const fs = require(8'fs');
const path = require(9'path');
const URL = require(10'./lib/url-shim');
const Sentry = require(11'./lib/sentry');
const generateReport = require(12'./report/report-generator').generateReport;
const LHError = require(13'./lib/lh-error.js');

/** @typedef {import('./gather/connections/connection.js')} Connection */
/** @typedef {import('./config/config.js')} Config */

class Runner {
   * @param {Connection} connection
   * @param {{config: Config, url?: string, driverMock?: Driver}} runOpts
   * @return {Promise<LH.RunnerResult|undefined>}
  static async run(connection, runOpts) 14{
    const settings = runOpts.config.settings;
    try 15{
      const runnerStatus = 16{msg: 17'Runner setup', id: 18'lh:runner:run'};
      log.time(runnerStatus, 19'verbose');

       * List of top-level warnings for this Lighthouse run.
       * @type {Array<string>}
      const lighthouseRunWarnings = [];

      const sentryContext = Sentry.getContext();
        message: 21'Run started',
        category: 22'lifecycle',
        data: 232425sentryContext && sentryContext.extra,

      // User can run -G solo, -A solo, or -GA together
      // -G and -A will run partial lighthouse pipelines,
      // and -GA will run everything plus save artifacts to disk

      // Gather phase
      // Either load saved artifacts off disk or from the browser
      let artifacts;
      let requestedUrl;
      if (262728settings.auditMode && 29!settings.gatherMode) 30{
        // No browser required, just load the artifacts from disk.
        const path = Runner._getArtifactsPath(settings);
        artifacts = await assetSaver.loadArtifacts(path);
        requestedUrl = artifacts.URL.requestedUrl;

        if (313233!requestedUrl) 34{
          throw new Error(35'Cannot run audit mode on empty URL');
        if (363738runOpts.url && 39!URL.equalWithExcludedFragments(runOpts.url, requestedUrl)) 40{
          throw new Error(41'Cannot run audit mode on different URL');
      } else 42{
        if (434445464748typeof runOpts.url !== 49'string' || 505152runOpts.url.length === 0) 53{
          throw new Error(54`You must provide a url to the runner. '${runOpts.url}' provided.`);

        try 55{
          // Use canonicalized URL (with trailing slashes and such)
          requestedUrl = new URL(runOpts.url).href;
        } catch (e) 56{
          throw new Error(57'The url provided should have a proper protocol and hostname.');

        artifacts = await Runner._gatherArtifactsFromBrowser(requestedUrl, runOpts, connection);
        // -G means save these to ./latest-run, etc.
        if (5859settings.gatherMode) 60{
          const path = Runner._getArtifactsPath(settings);
          await assetSaver.saveArtifacts(artifacts, path);

      // Potentially quit early
      if (616263settings.gatherMode && 64!settings.auditMode) return;

      // Audit phase
      if (656667!runOpts.config.audits) 68{
        throw new Error(69'No audits to evaluate.');
      const auditResults = await Runner._runAudits(settings, runOpts.config.audits, artifacts,

      // LHR construction phase
      const resultsStatus = 70{msg: 71'Generating results...', id: 72'lh:runner:generate'};

      if (7374artifacts.LighthouseRunWarnings) 75{

      // Entering: conclusion of the lighthouse result object
      const lighthouseVersion = require(76'../package.json').version;

      /** @type {Object<string, LH.Audit.Result>} */
      const resultsById = {};
      for (const audit of auditResults) 77{
        resultsById[] = audit;

      /** @type {Object<string, LH.Result.Category>} */
      let categories = {};
      if (7879runOpts.config.categories) 80{
        categories = ReportScoring.scoreAllCategories(runOpts.config.categories, resultsById);


      /** @type {LH.Result} */
      const lhr = 81{
        userAgent: artifacts.HostUserAgent,
        environment: 82{
          networkUserAgent: artifacts.NetworkUserAgent,
          hostUserAgent: artifacts.HostUserAgent,
          benchmarkIndex: artifacts.BenchmarkIndex,
        fetchTime: artifacts.fetchTime,
        requestedUrl: requestedUrl,
        finalUrl: artifacts.URL.finalUrl,
        runWarnings: lighthouseRunWarnings,
        runtimeError: Runner.getArtifactRuntimeError(artifacts),
        audits: resultsById,
        configSettings: settings,
        categoryGroups: 838485runOpts.config.groups || undefined,
        timing: this._getTiming(artifacts),
        i18n: 86{
          rendererFormattedStrings: i18n.getRendererFormattedStrings(settings.locale),
          icuMessagePaths: {},

      // Replace ICU message references with localized strings; save replaced paths in lhr.
      lhr.i18n.icuMessagePaths = i18n.replaceIcuMessageInstanceIds(lhr, settings.locale);

      // Create the HTML, JSON, and/or CSV string
      const report = generateReport(lhr, settings.output);

      return 87{lhr, artifacts, report};
    } catch (err) 88{
      // i18n error strings
      err.friendlyMessage = i18n.getFormatted(err.friendlyMessage, settings.locale);
      await Sentry.captureException(err, 89{level: 90'fatal'});
      throw err;

   * This handles both the auditMode case where gatherer entries need to be merged in and
   * the gather/audit case where timingEntriesFromRunner contains all entries from this run,
   * including those also in timingEntriesFromArtifacts.
   * @param {LH.Artifacts} artifacts
   * @return {LH.Result.Timing}
  static _getTiming(artifacts) 91{
    const timingEntriesFromArtifacts = 929394artifacts.Timing || [];
    const timingEntriesFromRunner = log.takeTimeEntries();
    const timingEntriesKeyValues = 95[
      // As entries can share a name, dedupe based on the startTime timestamp
    ].map(entry => /** @type {[number, PerformanceEntry]} */ (96[entry.startTime, entry]));
    const timingEntries = Array.from(new Map(timingEntriesKeyValues).values());
    const runnerEntry = timingEntries.find(e => === 100'lh:runner:run');
    return 101{entries: timingEntries, total: 102103104105106107runnerEntry && runnerEntry.duration || 0};

   * Establish connection, load page and collect all required artifacts
   * @param {string} requestedUrl
   * @param {{config: Config, driverMock?: Driver}} runnerOpts
   * @param {Connection} connection
   * @return {Promise<LH.Artifacts>}
  static async _gatherArtifactsFromBrowser(requestedUrl, runnerOpts, connection) 108{
    if (109110111!runnerOpts.config.passes) 112{
      throw new Error(113'No browser artifacts are either provided or requested.');
    const driver = 114115116runnerOpts.driverMock || new Driver(connection);
    const gatherOpts = 117{
      settings: runnerOpts.config.settings,
    const artifacts = await, gatherOpts);
    return artifacts;

   * Run all audits with specified settings and artifacts.
   * @param {LH.Config.Settings} settings
   * @param {Array<LH.Config.AuditDefn>} audits
   * @param {LH.Artifacts} artifacts
   * @param {Array<string>} runWarnings
   * @return {Promise<Array<LH.Audit.Result>>}
  static async _runAudits(settings, audits, artifacts, runWarnings) 118{
    const status = 119{msg: 120'Analyzing and running audits...', id: 121'lh:runner:auditing'};

    if (122123artifacts.settings) 124{
      const overrides = 125{
        locale: undefined,
        gatherMode: undefined,
        auditMode: undefined,
        output: undefined,
      const normalizedGatherSettings = Object.assign({}, artifacts.settings, overrides);
      const normalizedAuditSettings = Object.assign({}, settings, overrides);

      if (126127128!isDeepEqual(normalizedGatherSettings, normalizedAuditSettings)) 129{
        throw new Error(130'Cannot change settings between gathering and auditing');

    // Members of LH.Audit.Context that are shared across all audits.
    const sharedAuditContext = 131{
      LighthouseRunWarnings: runWarnings,
      computedCache: new Map(),

    // Run each audit sequentially
    const auditResults = [];
    for (const auditDefn of audits) 132{
      const auditResult = await Runner._runAudit(auditDefn, artifacts, sharedAuditContext);

    return auditResults;

   * Checks that the audit's required artifacts exist and runs the audit if so.
   * Otherwise returns error audit result.
   * @param {LH.Config.AuditDefn} auditDefn
   * @param {LH.Artifacts} artifacts
   * @param {Pick<LH.Audit.Context, 'settings'|'LighthouseRunWarnings'|'computedCache'>} sharedAuditContext
   * @return {Promise<LH.Audit.Result>}
   * @private
  static async _runAudit(auditDefn, artifacts, sharedAuditContext) 133{
    const audit = auditDefn.implementation;
    const status = 134{
      msg: 135`Evaluating: ${i18n.getFormatted(audit.meta.title, 136'en-US')}`,
      id: 137`lh:audit:${}`,

    let auditResult;
    try 138{
      // Return an early error if an artifact required for the audit is missing or an error.
      for (const artifactName of audit.meta.requiredArtifacts) 139{
        const noArtifact = 140141142artifacts[artifactName] === undefined;

        // If trace required, check that DEFAULT_PASS trace exists.
        // TODO: need pass-specific check of networkRecords and traces.
        const noTrace = 143144145146147148artifactName === 149'traces' && 150!artifacts.traces[Audit.DEFAULT_PASS];

        if (151152153noArtifact || noTrace) 154{
              156`${artifactName} gatherer, required by audit ${}, did not run.`);
          throw new Error(157`Required ${artifactName} gatherer did not run.`);

        // If artifact was an error, output error result on behalf of audit.
        if (158159artifacts[artifactName] instanceof Error) 160{
          /** @type {Error} */
          // @ts-ignore An artifact *could* be an Error, but caught here, so ignore elsewhere.
          const artifactError = artifacts[artifactName];

          Sentry.captureException(artifactError, 161{
            tags: 162{gatherer: artifactName},
            level: 163'error',

          log.warn(164'Runner', 165166`${artifactName} gatherer, required by audit ${},` +
            167` encountered an error: ${artifactError.message}`);

          // Create a friendlier display error and mark it as expected to avoid duplicates in Sentry
          const error = new Error(
              168`Required ${artifactName} gatherer encountered an error: ${artifactError.message}`);
          // @ts-ignore Non-standard property added to Error
          error.expected = 169true;
          throw error;

      // all required artifacts are in good shape, so we proceed
      const auditOptions = Object.assign({}, audit.defaultOptions, auditDefn.options);
      const auditContext = 170{
        options: auditOptions,

      const product = await audit.audit(artifacts, auditContext);
      auditResult = Audit.generateAuditResult(audit, product);
    } catch (err) 171{
      log.warn(, 172`Caught exception: ${err.message}`);

      Sentry.captureException(err, 173{tags: 174{audit:}, level: 175'error'});
      // Errors become error audit result.
      const errorMessage = err.friendlyMessage ? err.friendlyMessage : err.message;
      auditResult = Audit.generateErrorAuditResult(audit, errorMessage);

    return auditResult;

   * Returns first runtimeError found in artifacts.
   * @param {LH.Artifacts} artifacts
   * @return {LH.Result['runtimeError']|undefined}
  static getArtifactRuntimeError(artifacts) 176{
    for (const possibleErrorArtifact of Object.values(artifacts)) 177{
      if (178179180possibleErrorArtifact instanceof LHError && possibleErrorArtifact.lhrRuntimeError) 181{
        const errorMessage = 182183184possibleErrorArtifact.friendlyMessage || possibleErrorArtifact.message;

        return 185{
          code: possibleErrorArtifact.code,
          message: errorMessage,

    return undefined;

   * Returns list of audit names for external querying.
   * @return {Array<string>}
  static getAuditList() 186{
    const ignoredFiles = 187[

    const fileList = 194[
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 195'./audits')),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 196'./audits/dobetterweb')).map(f => 197`dobetterweb/${f}`),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 198'./audits/metrics')).map(f => 199`metrics/${f}`),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 200'./audits/seo')).map(f => 201`seo/${f}`),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 202'./audits/seo/manual')).map(f => 203`seo/manual/${f}`),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 204'./audits/accessibility'))
          .map(f => 205`accessibility/${f}`),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 206'./audits/accessibility/manual'))
          .map(f => 207`accessibility/manual/${f}`),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 208'./audits/byte-efficiency'))
          .map(f => 209`byte-efficiency/${f}`),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 210'./audits/manual')).map(f => 211`manual/${f}`),
    return fileList.filter(f => 212{
      return 213214215/\.js$/.test(f) && 216!ignoredFiles.includes(f);

   * Returns list of gatherer names for external querying.
   * @return {Array<string>}
  static getGathererList() 217{
    const fileList = 218[
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 219'./gather/gatherers')),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 220'./gather/gatherers/seo')).map(f => 221`seo/${f}`),
      ...fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 222'./gather/gatherers/dobetterweb'))
          .map(f => 223`dobetterweb/${f}`),
    return fileList.filter(f => 224225226/\.js$/.test(f) && 227228229f !== 230'gatherer.js').sort();

   * Get path to use for -G and -A modes. Defaults to $CWD/latest-run
   * @param {LH.Config.Settings} settings
   * @return {string}
  static _getArtifactsPath(settings) 231{
    const {auditMode, gatherMode} = settings;

    // This enables usage like: -GA=./custom-folder
    if (232233234typeof auditMode === 235'string') return path.resolve(process.cwd(), auditMode);
    if (236237238typeof gatherMode === 239'string') return path.resolve(process.cwd(), gatherMode);

    return path.join(process.cwd(), 240'latest-run');

module.exports = Runner;
# Mutator State Location Original Replacement
0 StringLiteral Killed 7 : 28 ' ... ' ""
1 StringLiteral Killed 8 : 23 './ ... . ' ""
2 StringLiteral Killed 9 : 29 './ ... ' ""
3 StringLiteral Killed 10 : 30 './ ' ""
4 StringLiteral Killed 11 : 22 './ ... ' ""
5 StringLiteral Killed 12 : 20 ' ... ' ""
6 StringLiteral Killed 13 : 21 './ ... . ' ""
7 StringLiteral Killed 14 : 27 './ ... ' ""
8 StringLiteral Killed 15 : 19 ' ' ""
9 StringLiteral Killed 16 : 21 ' ' ""
10 StringLiteral Killed 17 : 20 './ ... ' ""
11 StringLiteral Killed 18 : 23 './ / ' ""
12 StringLiteral Killed 19 : 31 './ ... ' ""
13 StringLiteral Killed 20 : 24 './ ... . ' ""
14 Block Killed 31 : 40 { ...} } {}
15 Block Killed 33 : 8 { ... } {}
16 ObjectLiteral Killed 34 : 27 { :... '} {}
17 StringLiteral Survived 34 : 33 ' ' ""
18 StringLiteral Killed 34 : 53 ' : : ' ""
19 StringLiteral Killed 35 : 29 ' ' ""
20 ObjectLiteral Survived 44 : 31 { ... } {}
21 StringLiteral Survived 45 : 17 ' ' ""
22 StringLiteral Survived 46 : 18 ' ' ""
23 BinaryExpression Killed 47 : 14 && ... . || ... .
24 ConditionalExpression Survived 47 : 14 && ... .
25 ConditionalExpression Survived 47 : 14 && ... .
26 IfStatement Killed 58 : 10 . ... .
27 IfStatement Killed 58 : 10 . ... .
28 BinaryExpression Killed 58 : 10 . ... . . ... .
29 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 58 : 32 ! . .
30 Block Killed 58 : 54 { ... } {}
31 IfStatement Killed 64 : 12 !
32 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 64 : 12 !
33 IfStatement Survived 64 : 12 !
34 Block Survived 64 : 27 { ... } {}
35 StringLiteral Survived 65 : 26 ' ... ' ""
36 IfStatement Killed 67 : 12 . ... )
37 IfStatement Killed 67 : 12 . ... )
38 BinaryExpression Killed 67 : 12 . ... ) . ... )
39 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 67 : 27 ! .... ) . ... )
40 Block Killed 67 : 87 { ... } {}
41 StringLiteral Killed 68 : 26 ' ... ' ""
42 Block Killed 70 : 13 { ... } {}
43 IfStatement Killed 71 : 12 . ... ===
44 IfStatement Killed 71 : 12 . ... ===
45 BinaryExpression Killed 71 : 12 . ... === . ... ===
46 BinaryExpression Killed 71 : 12 . ... ' . ... '
47 ConditionalExpression Killed 71 : 12 . ... '
48 ConditionalExpression Killed 71 : 12 . ... '
49 StringLiteral Killed 71 : 35 ' ' ""
50 BinaryExpression Killed 71 : 47 . . === . . !==
51 ConditionalExpression Killed 71 : 47 . . ===
52 ConditionalExpression Survived 71 : 47 . . ===
53 Block Killed 71 : 73 { ... } {}
54 StringLiteral Survived 72 : 26 ` ... .` ""
55 Block Killed 75 : 12 { ... } {}
56 Block Killed 78 : 20 { ... } {}
57 StringLiteral Survived 79 : 26 ' ... .' ""
58 IfStatement Killed 84 : 12 .
59 IfStatement Killed 84 : 12 .
60 Block Killed 84 : 33 { ... } {}
61 IfStatement Killed 91 : 10 . ... .
62 IfStatement Killed 91 : 10 . ... .
63 BinaryExpression Killed 91 : 10 . ... . . ... .
64 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 91 : 33 ! . .
65 IfStatement Killed 94 : 10 ! ... .
66 IfStatement Killed 94 : 10 ! ... .
67 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 94 : 10 ! ... . . .
68 Block Killed 94 : 34 { ... } {}
69 StringLiteral Killed 95 : 24 ' ... .' ""
70 ObjectLiteral Killed 101 : 28 { :... '} {}
71 StringLiteral Survived 101 : 34 ' ... ...' ""
72 StringLiteral Killed 101 : 63 ' : ... ' ""
73 IfStatement Killed 104 : 10 .
74 IfStatement Killed 104 : 10 .
75 Block Killed 104 : 43 { ... } {}
76 StringLiteral Killed 109 : 40 '../ ... ' ""
77 Block Killed 113 : 40 { ... } {}
78 IfStatement Killed 119 : 10 . .
79 IfStatement Killed 119 : 10 . .
80 Block Killed 119 : 37 { ... } {}
81 ObjectLiteral Killed 127 : 18 { ... } {}
82 ObjectLiteral Killed 129 : 21 { ... } {}
83 BinaryExpression Killed 143 : 24 . ... || . ... &&
84 ConditionalExpression Killed 143 : 24 . ... ||
85 ConditionalExpression Killed 143 : 24 . ... ||
86 ObjectLiteral Killed 145 : 14 { ... } {}
87 ObjectLiteral Killed 157 : 13 { ,... } {}
88 Block Killed 158 : 18 { ... } {}
89 ObjectLiteral Survived 161 : 41 { ... '} {}
90 StringLiteral Survived 161 : 49 ' ' ""
91 Block Killed 173 : 31 { ...; } {}
92 BinaryExpression Killed 174 : 39 . || [] . && []
93 ConditionalExpression Killed 174 : 39 . || []
94 ConditionalExpression Killed 174 : 39 . || []
95 ArrayLiteral Killed 176 : 35 [ ... ] []
96 ArrayLiteral Killed 180 : 62 [ ... ] /** @...*/ []
97 BinaryExpression Survived 182 : 48 . ...: ' . ...: '
98 ConditionalExpression Survived 182 : 48 . ...: '
99 ConditionalExpression Survived 182 : 48 . ...: '
100 StringLiteral Survived 182 : 59 ' : : ' ""
101 ObjectLiteral Killed 183 : 11 { ...|| } {}
102 BinaryExpression Killed 183 : 43 && ... || && ... &&
103 ConditionalExpression Killed 183 : 43 && ... ||
104 ConditionalExpression Killed 183 : 43 && ... ||
105 BinaryExpression Killed 183 : 43 && . || .
106 ConditionalExpression Killed 183 : 43 && .
107 ConditionalExpression Survived 183 : 43 && .
108 Block Killed 193 : 81 { ...; } {}
109 IfStatement Killed 194 : 8 ! ... .
110 IfStatement Killed 194 : 8 ! ... .
111 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 194 : 8 ! ... . . .
112 Block Killed 194 : 35 { ... } {}
113 StringLiteral Killed 195 : 22 ' ... .' ""
114 BinaryExpression Killed 197 : 19 . ... ) . ... )
115 ConditionalExpression Killed 197 : 19 . ... )
116 ConditionalExpression Killed 197 : 19 . ... )
117 ObjectLiteral Killed 198 : 23 { ... } {}
118 Block Killed 215 : 68 { ...; } {}
119 ObjectLiteral Killed 216 : 19 { :... '} {}
120 StringLiteral Survived 216 : 25 ' ... ...' ""
121 StringLiteral Killed 216 : 64 ' : ... ' ""
122 IfStatement Killed 219 : 8 .
123 IfStatement Killed 219 : 8 .
124 Block Killed 219 : 28 { ... } {}
125 ObjectLiteral Killed 220 : 24 { ... } {}
126 IfStatement Killed 229 : 10 ! ... )
127 IfStatement Killed 229 : 10 ! ... )
128 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 229 : 10 ! ... ) ( ... )
129 Block Killed 229 : 75 { ... } {}
130 StringLiteral Killed 230 : 24 ' ... ' ""
131 ObjectLiteral Killed 235 : 31 { ... } {}
132 Block Killed 243 : 36 { ... } {}
133 Block Killed 261 : 67 { ...; } {}
134 ObjectLiteral Killed 263 : 19 { ... } {}
135 StringLiteral Survived 264 : 11 ` ... ')}` ""
136 StringLiteral Killed 264 : 62 ' - ' ""
137 StringLiteral Killed 265 : 10 ` : .... }` ""
138 Block Killed 270 : 8 { ... } {}
139 Block Killed 272 : 63 { ... } {}
140 BinaryExpression Killed 273 : 27 [ ...] === [ ...] !==
141 ConditionalExpression Killed 273 : 27 [ ...] ===
142 ConditionalExpression Killed 273 : 27 [ ...] ===
143 BinaryExpression Killed 277 : 24 === '... ] === '... ]
144 ConditionalExpression Killed 277 : 24 === '... ]
145 ConditionalExpression Killed 277 : 24 === '... ]
146 BinaryExpression Killed 277 : 24 === ' ' !== ' '
147 ConditionalExpression Killed 277 : 24 === ' '
148 ConditionalExpression Killed 277 : 24 === ' '
149 StringLiteral Killed 277 : 41 ' ' ""
150 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 277 : 53 ! ... ] . ... ]
151 IfStatement Killed 279 : 12 ||
152 IfStatement Killed 279 : 12 ||
153 BinaryExpression Killed 279 : 12 || &&
154 Block Killed 279 : 35 { ... } {}
155 StringLiteral Survived 280 : 19 ' ' ""
156 StringLiteral Survived 281 : 14 `${ ... .` ""
157 StringLiteral Killed 282 : 26 ` ... .` ""
158 IfStatement Killed 286 : 12 [ ]
159 IfStatement Killed 286 : 12 [ ]
160 Block Killed 286 : 54 { ... } {}
161 ObjectLiteral Survived 291 : 49 { ... } {}
162 ObjectLiteral Survived 292 : 18 { ... } {}
163 StringLiteral Survived 293 : 19 ' ' ""
164 StringLiteral Survived 296 : 19 ' ' ""
165 BinaryExpression Killed 296 : 29 `${ ... }` `${ ... }`
166 StringLiteral Survived 296 : 29 `${ ... },` ""
167 StringLiteral Survived 297 : 12 ` ... }` ""
168 StringLiteral Killed 301 : 14 ` ... }` ""
169 BooleanSubstitution Survived 303 : 27
170 ObjectLiteral Killed 310 : 27 { ... } {}
171 Block Killed 317 : 18 { ... } {}
172 StringLiteral Survived 318 : 30 ` ... }` ""
173 ObjectLiteral Survived 320 : 35 { ... '} {}
174 ObjectLiteral Survived 320 : 42 { ... . } {}
175 StringLiteral Survived 320 : 73 ' ' ""
176 Block Killed 335 : 44 { ...; } {}
177 Block Killed 336 : 66 { ... } {}
178 IfStatement Killed 337 : 10 && ... .
179 IfStatement Killed 337 : 10 && ... .
180 BinaryExpression Killed 337 : 10 && ... . || ... .
181 Block Killed 337 : 93 { ... } {}
182 BinaryExpression Killed 338 : 29 . ... . . ... .
183 ConditionalExpression Killed 338 : 29 . ... .
184 ConditionalExpression Killed 338 : 29 . ... .
185 ObjectLiteral Killed 340 : 15 { ... } {}
186 Block Killed 354 : 24 { ...; } {}
187 ArrayLiteral Killed 355 : 25 [ ... ] []
188 StringLiteral Killed 356 : 6 ' . ' ""
189 StringLiteral Killed 357 : 6 ' ... . ' ""
190 StringLiteral Killed 358 : 6 ' ... . ' ""
191 StringLiteral Killed 359 : 6 ' ... . ' ""
192 StringLiteral Killed 360 : 6 ' ... . ' ""
193 StringLiteral Killed 361 : 6 ' ... . ' ""
194 ArrayLiteral Killed 364 : 21 [ ... ] []
195 StringLiteral Killed 365 : 45 './ ' ""
196 StringLiteral Killed 366 : 45 './ ... ' ""
197 StringLiteral Killed 366 : 79 ` ...${ }` ""
198 StringLiteral Killed 367 : 45 './ ... ' ""
199 StringLiteral Killed 367 : 75 ` /${ }` ""
200 StringLiteral Killed 368 : 45 './ / ' ""
201 StringLiteral Killed 368 : 71 ` /${ }` ""
202 StringLiteral Killed 369 : 45 './ ... ' ""
203 StringLiteral Killed 369 : 78 ` /...${ }` ""
204 StringLiteral Killed 370 : 45 './ ... ' ""
205 StringLiteral Killed 371 : 20 ` ...${ }` ""
206 StringLiteral Killed 372 : 45 './ ... ' ""
207 StringLiteral Killed 373 : 20 ` ...${ }` ""
208 StringLiteral Killed 374 : 45 './ ... ' ""
209 StringLiteral Killed 375 : 20 ` ...${ }` ""
210 StringLiteral Killed 376 : 45 './ ... ' ""
211 StringLiteral Killed 376 : 74 ` /${ }` ""
212 Block Killed 378 : 32 { ... } {}
213 ConditionalExpression Killed 379 : 13 /\. ... ( )
214 BinaryExpression Killed 379 : 13 /\. ... ( ) /\. ... ( )
215 ConditionalExpression Killed 379 : 13 /\. ... ( )
216 PrefixUnaryExpression Killed 379 : 32 ! ... ( ) . ( )
217 Block Killed 387 : 27 { ...; } {}
218 ArrayLiteral Killed 388 : 21 [ ... ] []
219 StringLiteral Killed 389 : 45 './ ... ' ""
220 StringLiteral Killed 390 : 45 './ .../ ' ""
221 StringLiteral Killed 390 : 81 ` /${ }` ""
222 StringLiteral Killed 391 : 45 './ ... ' ""
223 StringLiteral Killed 392 : 20 ` ...${ }` ""
224 BinaryExpression Survived 394 : 32 /\. ... . ' /\. ... . '
225 ConditionalExpression Killed 394 : 32 /\. ... . '
226 ConditionalExpression Survived 394 : 32 /\. ... . '
227 BinaryExpression Killed 394 : 51 !== '... . ' === '... . '
228 ConditionalExpression Killed 394 : 51 !== '... . '
229 ConditionalExpression Survived 394 : 51 !== '... . '
230 StringLiteral Survived 394 : 57 ' . ' ""
231 Block Killed 402 : 37 { ...; } {}
232 IfStatement Killed 406 : 8 === ' '
233 IfStatement Killed 406 : 8 === ' '
234 BinaryExpression Killed 406 : 8 === ' ' !== ' '
235 StringLiteral Killed 406 : 29 ' ' ""
236 IfStatement Killed 407 : 8 === ' '
237 IfStatement Killed 407 : 8 === ' '
238 BinaryExpression Killed 407 : 8 === ' ' !== ' '
239 StringLiteral Killed 407 : 30 ' ' ""
240 StringLiteral Survived 409 : 36 ' - ' ""